Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reasons to Choose Laser Tattoo Removal

As an Oak Brook laser tattoo removal studio filled with laser tattoo removal experts, we are all very aware of the various forms tattoo removal methods available.  Ranging from minimally invasive to rather extensive, potential patients have a multitude of options to choose from for tattoo removal.  From our experience doing the laser tattoo removal procedure, we personally feel it is the absolute best method out on the market today.  Here are a few of the top reasons why a patient should choose laser tattoo removal over all the other methods:

1- Shorter recovery: A shorter recovery time has been noted with laser tattoo removal as opposed to other forms of removal which can take weeks for the skin to recover.  The patients skin, size of the tattoo, ink used in the tattoo design and placement of the tattoo all play a role in how many lasertattoo removal procedures will be needed to remove the tattoo.  The more treatments a patient requires, the more time the patient will spend letting the skin heal.  With other forms of removal, this can cost patients a lot of time spent waiting for the skin to heal. Laser tattoo removal treatments do less damage to the skin therefore making recovery go much faster and much easier.  Patients experience little to no downtime following a laser tattoo removal procedure. 

2- Can be cost effective: Depending on the number of treatments needed and the tattoo removal studio performing the procedure, tattoo removal can get expensive.  Since the procedure is so results driven, it makes sense that patients will undergo multiple treatments just to get the desired results.  What’s good about laser tattoo removal is that it has gotten quite effective and with the advancements in technology, it has only getting better.  This gives patients the ability to undergo less treatments, which means they spend less money over time. 

3- Less harsh on the skin:  Since laser technology is continually improving, lasers have gotten better about detecting ink pigments deep in the skin and breaking them up without harming surrounding skin.  As the laser beam grazes over the skin it targets the tattoo ink particles only, leaving the surrounding skin untouched.  As opposed to other methods like dermabrasion, cryosurgery and excision, laser tattoo removal does little to no damage to the skin. 

4- Lower risks and side effects: Of all the removal methods available out on the market today, laser tattoo removal has a lower risk for side effects than other removal methods.  Unlike other forms of removal, laser tattoo removal utilizes a laser that is minimally invasive versus other removal methods like surgical removal for example, where the tattoo and skin is surgically removed.  The more invasive the procedure, the greater the possibility for infection.

5- Results:  Lets face it, when it comes to tattoo removal the most important part is the results that the patient gets.  Patients seeking removal are looking for stellar results and this is why we feel laser removal is the best, it simply gives results.  The success rate associated with laser tattoo removal is much higher than other results, which in part is probably why it has become the most popular method for removal.  Most of the ink found in tattoos can be broken down with specific laser beams.  Targeted beams make it easier to remove the multiple colors found in a tattoo.

If you find yourself debating with which removal type will be best for you, contact your local tattoo removal studio to help you figure out which is best for you and your tattoo.  Feel free to leave us a comment below or contact us.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice that you pointed out how laser tattoo removals are less harsh on the skin than they used to be. My daughter has been wanting to remove a tattoo that she regrets getting, but she didn't know what to expect. Thank you for talking about the benefits of choosing laser removal, I'll make sure to show her this.
