Monday, July 29, 2013

Tattoo Removal: Laser tattoo removal vs. tattoo removal cream

Tattoo Removal: Laser tattoo removal vs. tattoo removal cream

Are you considering getting tattoo removal? Have you been researching and debating what kind of tattoo removal you should get? Well it has come to my attention that a lot of people believe that they can get a formerly beloved tattoo removed by using cream and avoiding the costly laser tattoo removal procedure.  Knowing the bases of both tattoo removal creams and laser removal, I know how they work and why you should actually opt for laser tattoo removal despite the cost.

A lot of tattoo removal creams say how they are able to break up the the ink in your skin and remove your tattoo. However, the problem is that they are not effective, at least not as effective as they claim to be. Many consumer reviews of tattoo removal creams, you will see that most of the reviews say that the cream does not work or at least not for many, many months. Removal creams often contain harsh chemicals such as bleach or other chemicals that are not good for your skin; in addition to being rough on your skin, most of the creams require you to peel your skin or sand it to see any results, they will not remove the tattoo if you do not do any work. If you choose this option, then definitely make sure to do your research and see what people are saying about the product and whether it works or not; if it works, does it contain harsh chemicals or  require you to destroy your skin?

Laser tattoo removal is much safer and effective, if you get someone who knows what they are doing. If you find a certified dermatologist who has good reviews, then the risk of complications with the removal will be minimal, if any. Do your research and see what people say; find someone who has gotten a tattoo removed for themselves and see what they say. While there is some pain involved with laser tattoo removal, it is not as bad as some make it out to be, of course, your pain tolerance level will ultimately determine that. Another thing about this option is the price; it is pricey but that is because of what has to be done, not because the dermatologists are thieves. Is this option affordable? Absolutely.

Find out for yourself what you want to do. Nearly 50 percent of Americans who get tattoos get them removed and millions of Americans have gotten tattoos so you are not alone in this process.

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