Thursday, June 27, 2013

How To Get A Great Tattoo And Never Regret It

As a Chicago tattoo removal studio, we too often see individuals come in wanting to remove a tattoo that was poorly done, they are embarrassed by, or ashamed of, or maybe a new job does not approve.  While we know that many tattoos can be amazing, creative and beautiful, we also know that they can just as easily be hideous and make people regretful.  With that said, we would like to provide you with some tips to consider to make sure when you get a tattoo, it is a great one that you won’t regret and will not be in need of our services at our Oak Brook tattoo removal studio.

How Much Do You Want To Spend?

We all know that money is typically what everything revolves around.  So chances are, if you want an entire sleeve, and you only spent $100 on it, it probably will not end up being quality work.  But just because you may spend thousands of dollars on a sleeve does not guarantee that it will be a tattoo well done.  Also, as a tip from our tattoo removal studio, plan or make a budget for the money you want to spend and put into the tattoo because if you don’t, we may be scheduling a tattoo removal session.

Where Do You Want It?

Our suggestion for a tattoo, assuming it is your first one, is that you get a tattoo that is easily coverable for working environments.  We highly do not recommend that your first tattoo ends up being below the wrist or above the neck.  You should not only consider tattoo placement for jobs, but for the sake of being taken seriously by legal professionals whether it be a judge, lawyer or cop.  We have several clients that love their tattoos but end up needing to get them removed just because of the placement and they pay our laser tattoo removal studio in Chicagoland a visit.

What Are You Going To Get?

If you are not sure you know exactly what you wont, DO NOT GET IT.  If you have an idea for a tattoo we recommend you have a tattoo artist draw it out.  After they do so, post the image somewhere you will look at on a daily basis.  This will help test whether it is something you will get bored or sick of.  You want to get a tattoo you will love forever considering the fact that tattoos are ultimately made to be permanent and not to end up needing tattoo removal.  If after a few weeks or months you see that you are still obsessed with the design, then go find the best tattoo artists and get the tattoo done!

How Do I Find A Good Tattoo Artist?

This is a very subjective question only because many tattoo artists have their areas of expertise.  Not only that, but there are good tattoo artists all over the world, in some instances you have to be willing to pay a pretty penny to have the most seasoned artist tattoo you.  Take a look at Bmezine and search for artists in your area.  We also recommend you look at tattoo blogs or tattoo removal blogs to find any information about a positive or negative experience at a studio.

As experts in laser tattoo removal, we take pride in what we do and we can only hope that other professionals take pride in their work as well, especially when it comes to tattoos.  However, we understand that the world is not a perfect place and that is why we provide tattoo removal options for individuals.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to comment below or contact our Oak Brook laser tattoo removal studio today. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi...
    Friend I wanted to remove tattoo from my body but I did not find best clinic for tattoo remove. Then I have listened about klinikesthetika in Delhi. Then I visit there and I find a best Tattoo Removal in Delhi by laser machine who is painless treatment. Now I am very happy to use this service. Thanks to klinikesthteika for Tattoo Removing from my body.
