Monday, November 10, 2014

Removing Radiation Tattoos With Lasers

Erase Tattoo Removal Blog

For cancer survivor’s radiation tattoos are part of the prolonged process of treatment that was endured under great stress. Tattoos are placed on the body to help oncologists identify treatment points and ensure that the radiation is being placed in the correct location each time they go in for treatment. Patients undergoing these treatments often need multiple tattoos on their body and once their treatments are done the tattoos can remain for years. With new advancement in laser  tattoo removal technology, cancer survivors are getting much needed relief and options to remove those radiation tattoos.

Cancer treatment is a long process. It often creates fatigue, illness, and makes life difficult for those receiving the treatments. Small things that people regularly do become extremely difficult. For those that survive and are living their lives free from cancer the tattoos end up being a consistent reminder of that experience. Removing the tattoo can help to bring closure to this chapter of a persons life.

There are several programs available for those looking to remove their radiation tattoos. For those that may not have a clinic offering these services nearby we will help explain the process and information that would be offered in your consult. 

The tattoo removal process is drawn out, and there are no instant results. Survivors would have to commit to treatment plans that are stretched out in intervals over several months. This will allow the skin to heal after laser sessions. It will also allow the body, which is responsible for doing the majority of the work, to remove the tattoo.  

Firstly, it is recommended that radiation tattoo removal should be done when the person is 100% finished with radiation, and may require verification from the oncologist to start laser tattoo removal treatment. As stated above the body is doing the majority of the removal, and the laser works to break up the ink particles. Each laser session will break up the ink in the tattoo, and the body will digest the ink during the time between treatment sessions. 

Good health and high immunity is key in successful tattoo removal. The skin is a sensitive organ and needs to be prepared to this extra work.  In the initial consultation, the Doctor and staff should explain in detail the outlined plan for treatments based on the size, or number of tattoos needing removal. They will also identify the skin type and health of the client to fully understand how many treatments will be needed and what kind of laser to use. 

It is up to the individual to follow post care practices in between their laser treatment.  This includes applying sunscreen when outdoors, keeping area protected from water and exposure to chemicals. It is advised that people increase their immune system by avoiding smoke, alcohol and other substances that can potentially weaken their body while they are attempting to have tattoos removed. Getting rest and consistently exercising will also help ensure that patients get the most out of the Laser tattoo removal. 

Have a  question for ERASE ? Tweet us @EraseTattooRMVL or 
Phone: 630-586-0000

You can also set up a FREE consultation and get pricing information via our Website!

Just fill out the form and attach a picture of your tattoo and we will get back to you with all the information you need to start the tattoo removal process! 

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