Thursday, February 5, 2015

Are You Living With Tattoo Regret?

Erase Tattoo Removal Blog 

How do you know if you are living with tattoo regret and when should you start considering tattoo removal? Once the tattoo starts to have a negative impact on your life.

What do we mean? A bad or negative influence on your life can manifest and or effect many things. Your work or career, relationships, and emotional health can all be affected by tattoo regret. If you think this could be you then think about the following things: 

A) Do you make an effort to hide your tattoo? If so, think about why and how your life would change if you did not have to ever worry about this tattoo ever again. The amount of time and energy you spend on covering your tattoo can be spent enjoying life. 

B) Do you avoid activities where your tattoo would be exposed? Have activities like going to the beach or park become less fun because you’re constantly thinking or talking about your tattoo at these events. If you are limiting your participation in such activities, your are limiting the quality of your life. Studies have shown that regular exercise and outdoor activities greatly increase the mental and physical health of individuals. By not participating or limiting your ability, your tattoo regret is affecting your health in a huge way.

C) When you go shopping do you avoid buying clothes that would expose or reveal your unwanted tattoo? At this point the tattoo is affecting your style and personal self-expression. People often feel the best when they look their best. If you are not dressing or presenting yourself in a confident way, you may actually loose out on many experiences, jobs and relationships in the future. Clothing is less about how it looks, but how the person wearing it feels. If someone is not wearing clothes they feel comfortable and confident in, and opt for covering their tattoo, they may end up feeling even more insecure about themselves, accomplishing only the peace of mind that there will not be any discussions around their ink.

D) Are you spending money to hide your tattoo? If the answer is yes, then the obvious solution is tattoo removal. Once you have already started spending money, there is no reason not to make the investment into laser tattoo removal. The accumulated cost of cover and hiding your tattoo over a lifetime would end up a fraction of tattoo removal treatment sessions. 

While laser treatments can be costly, the benefit is that it is a one-time process. Meaning once all the treatments are completed, there will be no more added cost, shame, guilt or regret around your tattoo. You will be free to wear whatever you want and do whatever you want without any hesitation or thought about your tattoo. Don't believe us and see for yourself the amazing results that you can get from laser tattoo removal treatments done right. 

After living with their tattoo regret, people often take the next step to remove their old ink and set up a consultation appointment, get informed and learn all of the options available to them. We have found the relief people feel after this initial step is so strong that any anxiety about the procedure is overcome with excitement. After all, this is a point where they can move forward with their lives free of regrets of time gone by.

Get in touch with Erase on Twitter @EraseTattooRMVL or visit us on our website to get a FREE consultation from our Laser Tattoo Removal Studio Online. 

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